Assurex Global Partners, LLC

Alternative Risk Solutions

Founded in 2003, Assurex Global Partners, LLC (AGP) was capitalized by a number of Assurex Global Partners to provide alternative market (captive) solutions to Assurex Global Partner clients. At the same time, AGP also formed Assurex Global Reinsurance Ltd. (AGRe) as a Class II Bermuda insurance company. This company operates under the governance of the Bermuda Segregated Account Company legislation.

The captive operations are governed by a board of managers/directors and managed by Strategic Risk Solutions, a leading provider of captive management services. Brady Young, president, along with a team of captive experts, are charged with working closely with the AGP Board of Directors and Assurex Global to offer opportunities for Partners to develop cell programs geared to support Partner growth and expansion within the alternative market segment. ​While there is continued focus to grow current programs, there is also a robust appetite for the development of new cell programs.

There are five cell programs currently supported in AGP/AGRe:

  • Assurex Global Construction Risks (AGCR)
  • CPEx
  • Assurex Builders Group (ABG)
  • Multi-Agency Captive (MAC)
  • PRA

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