Employee Benefits Market Check Survey: COVID-19 Vaccines in the Workplace – Post-FDA Approval Update
Employee Benefits, Human Resources, Total Wellbeing
Now that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted full approval of the Pfizer vaccine, employers are more willing to consider requiring proof of vaccination before allowing employees back into the worksite. Large employers and…

Employee Benefits Market Check Survey: Top Benefits Priority for the Remainder of 2021
Employee Benefits, Human Resources, Total Wellbeing
Now that we are past the midpoint of the year, many employers are turning their attention to plans for 2022. While planning for the long term is alwaysprudent, there remains the need to address tactical issues for the final six months. We conducted…

Changes in the Workforce – “The Great Resignation”
Employee Benefits, Human Resources
As the world begins to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, we will continue to see shifts in how people live, work, learn, socialize, and more. As it relates to work, the pandemic showed that many employees can do their jobs remotely, that they…

Employee Benefits Market Check Survey: Employer Plans for Return to the Workplace
Employee Benefits, Human Resources
As the COVID-19 vaccines continue to be administered, many states and local communities are beginning to revise requirements around masks, social distancing, and capacity. Employers are also reviewing their workplace return plans, whether they…

Health Savings Accounts Annual Limits – 2022
Employee Benefits, Health Savings Accounts
A health savings account (HSA) is a tax-exempt account that a qualified individual can establish to pay or reimburse certain medical expenses. To be eligible for a HSA, a person must be covered under a qualified, high deductible health plan…

Employee Benefits Market Check Survey: COVID-19 Vaccines in the Workplace – Update
Employee Benefits, Human Resources
COVID-19 vaccinations continue to become more widely available, and about 147 million people (as of May 2, 2021) have received at least one dose of a vaccine. Many employers would prefer that 100 percent of their workforce is vaccinated as…

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Employee Benefits, Human Resources, Total Wellbeing
Tens of millions of Americans suffer from mental health issues, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this already severe problem. Employers are paying attention. Many companies report accelerated levels of stress, depression, and…

Employee Benefits Market Check Survey: Employer Actions as a Result of ARPA
Employee Benefits, Human Resources
In March 2021, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) which was designed to provide COVID-19 relief to many. Included within the bill were several provisions that impact employers, and the employee benefits they offer. Most prominent…

Employee Benefits Market Trend Report Published
Benchmarking, Cost Containment, Employee Benefits, Health Savings Accounts, Total Wellbeing
As constantly changing circumstances affects how employers handle their operations and benefits offerings, the ability to get a solid picture of what other companies are doing becomes even more important.
In 2020, Assurex Global…