Why 2020 May Be the Most Important Year for an Employer Flu Shot Campaign
Assurex Global, Employee Benefits, Human Resources, Total Wellbeing
Influenza has been an annual issue that people and businesses have had to cope with for years. While many people annually receive the vaccine, a large percentage of the population do not for a variety of reasons. The flu can be costly…
Considerations for Enhancing Benefits to Improve Workforce Well-Being in the Midst of Pandemic
Employee Benefits, Human Resources, Total Wellbeing
Employers are examining all aspects of their business because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and employee benefit plans will certainly come under review. While the impulse for some may be to cut back on portions of their benefits program, it will…
Mini Podcast: Mental Health Awareness and Employer Strategies
Articles, Employee Benefits, Human Resources, Total Wellbeing
Mental health issues affect all generations, and cost businesses hundreds of billions of dollars annually. This stems from missed work days, lower productivity, lack of focus on the job, and higher premiums due to increased medical, prescription…