Time to Re-Engage With Your Employee Benefits Strategy

As we embark on a new year, the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic remain front and center. When the virus emerged, many companies had to pivot quickly to reposition their workforce, continue manufacturing their product, and maintain customer…

Assurex Global Names Robert J. Klonk Chairman of the Board and Elects New Board Member

COLUMBUS, OHIO – Assurex Global, the world’s largest privately held commercial insurance, risk management and employee benefits brokerage group, has announced the election of Robert J. Klonk as chairman of its board…

Assurex Global Market Check Survey: Impacts of HIPAA and Cobra Deadline Suspensions

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COVID-19 had great impacts on all parts of business in 2020, and employee benefit plans were no exception. As a result of this pandemic, theDepartment of Labor (DOL) put notification periods for HIPAA and COBRA on hold. This means that anyone…

Assurex Global Launches Technology Insurance Solution with The Hanover

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COLUMBUS, OHIO – Assurex Global, the world’s largest privately held commercial insurance, risk management and employee benefits brokerage group, is pleased to announce the recent development of a new technology insurance solution with…

Senior Vice President, Julie Loney Appointed to Advisory Board of The Institutes

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COLUMBUS, OHIO – Julie Loney, Senior Vice President of Education for Assurex Global was appointed as an inaugural member to the Insurance Broker Advisory Board of The Institutes, the…

Winter Is Not a Season, It’s an Occupation

Although the title of this post belongs to American playwright Sinclair Lewis, it may just as aptly express the collective sentiments of the many insurance adjusters who often find themselves overwhelmed by the large volume of property insurance…

2020 Construction Benchmark Report Published

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COLUMBUS, OHIO – The 2020 Construction Benchmark Report is published and now available from Assurex Global.   According to the Associated General Contractors (AGC), construction companies generate $1.3 trillion of economic…

Do You Have an Agency Training Plan?

Most of us remember the last time we started a new job. The training process can often feel like “drinking from a fire hose” because of all the information thrown at us right off the bat. But most of us would also agree that everything…

Assurex Global Market Check Survey: 2020 Employer ACA Reporting

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that applicable large employers and all size employers that offer self-insured group health plans provide the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with information as it relates to offers of coverage and enrollment.…