Employee Benefits Market Check Survey: 2025 Annual Enrollment Opportunities

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With a new benefits year underway, employers can evaluate the success of their annual enrollment process. A company’s benefits package plays a vital role in an employee’s overall compensation, making it essential to ensure those offerings are fully utilized. Providing a smooth and streamlined enrollment experience supports employees in making informed choices and boosts overall satisfaction and engagement.

Employers can always improve their enrollment experience. On January 16, we conducted a survey to better understand how companies feel their enrollment went. To further explore this topic, we also asked employers which employee benefit, besides medical, they highlighted the most during annual enrollment. The results are in the charts below.

As you reflect on annual enrollment, what opportunities do you have to improve in the future?

*Results based on 176 employer responses.

*2025 results compared against responses from the last two years.

What core employee benefit (besides medical) did you highlight or promote the most during annual enrollment?

Top 3

Key Findings

Employers have again identified increasing education about their benefits program as the greatest opportunity to enhance the annual enrollment process, followed by improving how the benefits program is communicated. Many recognize that when employees better understand their options, they are more likely to make informed decisions that align with their personal needs. By providing clearer communication, various targeted resources, and more engaging educational tools, employers can bridge knowledge gaps and empower their workforce to utilize the benefits available to them fully. This focus on education improves the enrollment experience and helps boost employee satisfaction and appreciation for the overall benefits package.

One area that employers focused on educating their employees about was spending accounts. During annual enrollment, spending accounts such as FSAs, HSAs, and HRAs were the most widely promoted benefit, highlighted by 43% of employers. Dental benefits and retirement plans followed as the next commonly publicized benefits. These findings underscore a strong employer emphasis on financial wellness and healthcare flexibility, with spending accounts taking center stage as a key tool to help employees manage expenses and maximize their benefits.

The annual enrollment process often shapes employees’ overall perception of the benefits program. By adopting a comprehensive, employee-centric approach, employers can boost engagement and ensure employees fully understand and value their benefits offerings.  For more insights on enrollment, please review our Annual Enrollment infographic.

Should you have any questions regarding any of this information or want to discuss your enrollment method or industry-level data, please contact your local Assurex Global adviser.

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